Christmas, life, relocation North Carolina, sleep, work



Yes, I remember Thanksgiving is coming, and I’m ready – I LOVE Thanksgiving! But I just wanted to get my Christmas background done here before it’s almost Christmas and I have no time to do it!!!

We’re surviving okay – Chris is having a little trouble sleeping again which isn’t fun but it’s not as bad as it was. We have a problem with his ears being blocked up right now which we’re not sure how to deal with.

I’m trying to get Christmas shopping done early so I can just deal with all the school events, etc., in December! I already am starting Christmas card/newsletter prep. I hope to get them out by Dec 1!!!! We are overbooked with activities – here’s our schedule: (And remember our busy 2 3/4 year old is with -me ALL the time, doesn’t nap, and sleeps like 8-5 a.m. (I can’t go to bed at 8 because of other kids still being up until 10 or so).

Continue reading “Christmas!”

life, work

money crapola

from my group….. I’m all stressed out about all this……

User: dori

Comments: kind of long financial vent, feel free to scroll, but prayers appreciated anyway!

Hi – not reading tonight yet, just posting. I just went through to do papers, did my filing, and went through bills (ugh!). I still would appreciate prayers for our financial situation — I thought we were actually doing okay at the moment but when I checked my checkbook online saw that we were under. I had to rush my unemployment check to the bank (thank God I got it early! today to keep lots of fees from happening. I just keep wondering if as soon as this unemployment is over (I have 3 more checks coming) I should really try and get a night job at McDonalds or KMart or something — the secretarial jobs just aren’t coming through, not even non-legal ones. Obviously my attendance problems are huge and the last place is probably saying terrible things about my skills, even though my typing skills are very good.

Continue reading “money crapola”

asperger's, autism, Ryan, sleep, speech delay, weight, work

Sunny Sunday

You’re Manny! (Manuela) You are clingy, yet cute.
Childish, yet can have some amazing pearls of
wisdom. You are the Sam to Emma’s Frodo. Cheer
up about Craig, dear. There are plenty more
boys who dig it when you call your stuffed
animals weird names!

Which Degrassi Girl are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love Degrassi – can’t wait for new season!  (watch on the “N” on our new digital cable which I don’t want to get rid of with our “broke-ness” now….)

Doing great, though I feel bad I missed church.  Chris fell asleep just moments before we left!  He is doing very well – naps every day still (a little earlier than expected today – usually he’s nodding off a bit at church which is a GOOD thing).  So next week I’ll give him the pill a little later.

Continue reading “Sunny Sunday”

autism, college, deafness, medications, organizing, Pans/Pandas, relocation, relocation North Carolina, residency, sleep, weight, work

a little update finally —

speak and spell
You’re a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn’t
mean you weren’t educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

it is a lazy Sunday and I have SO much cleaning to do.

Last I wrote Chris was having a VERY VERY VERY bad time. We had an awful 4 months – February – sinus infections, ear infections with ear injury from hitting; March, 2 ear surgeries, missed most of the whole month off of school, plus drug reaction to Seroquel/Risperdol and withdrawal; April, entire month, I believe, from school, just about (he may have gone a week or so), had 1-2 more sinus infections; May, Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy, and finally had to start more meds as he was still being aggressive, self-injurious, and very very upset and not sleeping at all hardly (like 3-4 hours every few days is all); and June started horribly as well but FINALLY last 3-4 days his new meds (Tenex) is kicking in and he’s sleeping a little more and is seeming happier. FINALLY.

(2020 pans/pandas)

Continue reading “a little update finally —”

autism, college, relocation North Carolina, residency, waivers, work

anyone familiar with north carolina?

We are again considering moving to North Carolina — I’m sure I’ve never posted it here (at least I don’t think so) as the last time we seriously considered it was 1997.
But with my husband needing to find a new job we are now thinking of it again – since there is a job move in the future anyway we’d like to consider whether to move to NC. We live in NE Ohio.

The reasons we have considered NC is that:

For one thing it is beautiful and close to the mountains and the ocean!

But another more important is that TEACCH for autism is centered down there, and though it is now up in Ohio too it started in NC and I have a feeling there may be more centralized schooling for Chris at all ages and perhaps adult centers as well — I seem to remember that there was, from when we traveled and visited there in 1997.

Continue reading “anyone familiar with north carolina?”


Believe I’m about to lose my job.

It’s December 21, 4 days before Christmas. A few months ago I was kind of worried about my job as I wasn’t sure I was catching on to all the new things I was learning there, fast enough. Well I made a great effort, and things seemed to be working great. Then the past 3 weeks I ended up losing a lot of time unexpectedly due to extra sick kids + a snow day that made my one child care close. Friday my office manager told me all this was unacceptable and I’d better be making alternate work arrangements.

Continue reading “Believe I’m about to lose my job.”

life, work

quick update!

Changed the colors on the journal to a more Christmassy look…

I REALLY need to get here more often. I am still working as a legal secretary at the same place since July, full time. I feel squeezed and pressured, doing too much, but also know right now it is necessary for the family that I bring in this steady income at this time. DH has been trying to find a job on his days off his part time job BUT what always seems to happen is those are the days we have one or another sick kid, or he needs to go grocery shopping, or the house is so messy that he needs to take the whole day to clean it. Bless his heart he has pretty much became the sole at least part-time “Mr. Mom.” But I don’t really see how we can both work full time right now – I really think once he finds the job he really wants to go for, and gets it, that I will (at least eventually) have to quit working, or the balance will fail. So we shall see what happens – I believe in (and kind of have to!) taking one day at a time and am just trusting in the Lord to guide us.

A little less than a month ago after good old AF was over dh and I had time to get friendly (which is rare!) and here I had all these weird symptoms all month and thought perhaps I was pregnant! Boy was I nervous! But it was not, thankfully, as I have AF right now. Three children is enough!

So much more to write but no time… maybe I’ll try and come every few days…

Love, dori

health, sleep, work

Work decisions

owen is having a bit of a tough time again after doing very well for a week or so. He went to day care with his sister first time last week on Thurs and Fri. This is the first EVER he’s been in day care. he did well! This week he goes back to school (tomorrow) but last night he started staying up late again — 4:30 a.m. this morning (dh stayed up with him – I actually got to sleep 9 hours last night PRAISE God! it is 12:00 now and he’s still up. dh has to get up at 4:30 a.m. and I will be up at 6:30 with my little baby, I’m sure.

I had been thinking all weekend trying to make a decision about my work. I work 22 hours a week now but have the opportunity to work up to 30 if I wish. That would mean having the older kids go to the day care every day after school. After thinking about it all weekend we decided to wait until summer and see how they do, and maybe work a little later then if they seem to be able to handle it.

We just have been so broke for so long that it feels good to be able to pay the bills and having more sounds so good. We also need a new house — 3 kids in this tiny house is tough.

dori, in the close family