organizing, transcription, weight, work

Craving order, and Chocolate Cake

Ahh, just remembering the days when Ryan laid on a boppy pillow and napped while I typed.  When he was three weeks old I began my legal trans again, just a little, and I remember how I reached my arms around him to type on the keyboard.  Now he’s starting kindergarten in 3 months.  All day kindergarten.
Continue reading “Craving order, and Chocolate Cake”


slow but sure!

The previous two weeks I’d not lost much weight so was so happy to hit 172.5 today! Securely in stage 2 now and getting to eat homemade oatmeal, wheat pasta, rye bread, etc., YUM! I HAVE “cheated” a few times – had chocolate cake on my birthday (1 piece, then no more) and have had about 4 pieces of pizza with lots of veggies, and had a few teaspoons of mashed potatoes 2x. I eat dark chocolate EVERY day and am drinking various kinds of diet pop. (Cherry Coke Zero, and this new Jazz diet Pepsi Caramel Cream are my favorites).

Us having Mr. Chicken was challenging but I ate like 2 big pieces of chicken and took most of the breading off and had just 2 teas. or so of the potatoes. No biscuit, and a HUGE pile of cole slaw.

My measurements are going down more to what they were 1 1/2 years ago (October, November, December of 05) when we moved here but I have a ways to go. My weight is still about 7 pounds higher than then.

First goal to go from 180-165 which is where I was that 1 1/2 years ago.


(2020 – so why did I stop this?  I don’t remember this diet. I remember doing South Beach in 04 and 05 and each time losing 20 pounds, then I just remember mostly ’12-’15 when I started counting calories and went from 200 down to 165!  Now I’m about 170 and need to get back on SOMETHING!


4 1/2 pounds down!

I’m on day 10 now, and excited to be able on my birthday (Thursday) at the beginning of my third week to be able to eat a little whole grain bread, fruit, and whole wheat pasta again! I have felt well and make sure I eat the 3 healthy snacks suggested. My day usually consists of either a veggie omelette or cottage cheese with veggies, and lunch is usually a salad or some stew or soup or something. Dinner we often serve the family something like spaghetti and I’ll have a chicken breast with veggies and spaghetti sauce and mozz. cheese. Snacks are veggies and dip, or a cheese stick, or nuts.

I’m ready to be skinny again like when I got married!





OKAY, I finally did it. I’m back on the Beach. I haven’t done Phase 1 since May of 04 (I lost 20 pounds that summer) and I forgot how hard it is. But I got scared into doing it when I weighed myself yesterday and I was 180 – HORRORS. I hadn’t been that high since May of 05 when I kind of combined South Beach, Weigh Down and Richard Simmons together and lost 15 pounds. I’d maintained about 165 through the winter of 05, then hit 170 last summer, and 175 last fall. But 180 – NO!

I just jumped into it and didn’t even have the food in the house until later yesterday – you should have seen me making my vegetable omelette with shrivelly onion and peppers. And some stale nuts for my snack. But was in heaven later yesterday after the store with fresh plate of some fish and later the stir fried mushrooms and fresher onion – ha!

Today though I have a migraine – blach – but I don’t think it’s from the diet. I think it’s from AF. Don’t the carb withdrawals take about 4 days to hit? That’s my recollection.

So, day 2 of Phase 1- I can have fruit in 12 more days, and funny that’s what I’m REALLY craving now. Fruit. Not my cola, not cookies, not chips – FRUIT. But my deviled eggs actually tasted really good now.

dori, who was really worried this morning after throwing up with the migraine that I was going to blow it and end up having ginger ale and crackers, but it passed. Thankfully.

180/178/125 (yes I lost 2 pounds the first day – water weight)




Weight journal post…

Wow, I was kind of surprised this week! Had a bad week, didn’t focus too much on eating except for making sure I still abstained pretty much from sugar. I lost 1 1/2 pounds and another 3/4 inch! Down 11 1/2 pounds and 2 1/2 inches altogether.

dori 184.5/173/125


colleen, Ryan, weight


I am feeling ready to change my background soon — I may dabble in it yet today.

I did update my weight site (weighdownagain is my user name for that) – — I am on the road again – 3rd day of foodmover (richard simmons). I hope for success!!!

We kept colleen in her regular school, didn’t move her. She is doing tremendous in her trumpet and very well in school.

We don’t have word yet on next step for Ryan – I do believe it’s hearing aids but his appt with ENT is April 20.

That’s about it for now…


asperger's, autism, Ryan, sleep, speech delay, weight, work

Sunny Sunday

You’re Manny! (Manuela) You are clingy, yet cute.
Childish, yet can have some amazing pearls of
wisdom. You are the Sam to Emma’s Frodo. Cheer
up about Craig, dear. There are plenty more
boys who dig it when you call your stuffed
animals weird names!

Which Degrassi Girl are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love Degrassi – can’t wait for new season!  (watch on the “N” on our new digital cable which I don’t want to get rid of with our “broke-ness” now….)

Doing great, though I feel bad I missed church.  Chris fell asleep just moments before we left!  He is doing very well – naps every day still (a little earlier than expected today – usually he’s nodding off a bit at church which is a GOOD thing).  So next week I’ll give him the pill a little later.

Continue reading “Sunny Sunday”