colleen, Ryan, weight


I am feeling ready to change my background soon — I may dabble in it yet today.

I did update my weight site (weighdownagain is my user name for that) – — I am on the road again – 3rd day of foodmover (richard simmons). I hope for success!!!

We kept colleen in her regular school, didn’t move her. She is doing tremendous in her trumpet and very well in school.

We don’t have word yet on next step for Ryan – I do believe it’s hearing aids but his appt with ENT is April 20.

That’s about it for now…


children, reflections, Ryan


so odd — this was Ryan’s first day to take the bus to school (his third day). He got on a little bus and rode away about 15 minute ago. I am alone. Monday I had Colleen home with pink eye so I wasn’t alone – we had some quality time together playing board games. Yesterday I dropped him off and stayed awhile, having him practicing getting on the bus (he rode it home yesterday). Today is my first day to have the whole time at home (11:50-2:30 when Chris gets home). Ryan doesn’t get home until 3:10.

My life as a mom is changing again. Baby’s growing up!

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asperger's, autism, Ryan, sleep, speech delay, weight, work

Sunny Sunday

You’re Manny! (Manuela) You are clingy, yet cute.
Childish, yet can have some amazing pearls of
wisdom. You are the Sam to Emma’s Frodo. Cheer
up about Craig, dear. There are plenty more
boys who dig it when you call your stuffed
animals weird names!

Which Degrassi Girl are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love Degrassi – can’t wait for new season!  (watch on the “N” on our new digital cable which I don’t want to get rid of with our “broke-ness” now….)

Doing great, though I feel bad I missed church.  Chris fell asleep just moments before we left!  He is doing very well – naps every day still (a little earlier than expected today – usually he’s nodding off a bit at church which is a GOOD thing).  So next week I’ll give him the pill a little later.

Continue reading “Sunny Sunday”

adhd, autism, children, college, music

posts from my moms group….

KIM, thanks for your comments – you got me thinking about school again and about a conversation Rog and I had a few days before. I am not DEF. going to school in the fall. I’d LIKE to but things would have to be a lot different in a short time. Chris needs LOTS of work, and so do the other kids. Our house is getting a lot better on organization but it takes a lot of time and there’s two more rooms to remodel so that will bring more chaos. I’m simply going to gather information so I’m ready when the time comes. Do our financial aid papers, apply, etc. My gut feeling is that I won’t go until at least winter. It may be not until 2007 when Ryan starts kindergarten. Just don’t know!

Continue reading “posts from my moms group….”

children, interests, music, organizing

busy busy busy

— you’d think I’d be sitting around eating bonbons by now, this SAHM, who has not worked in 7 weeks! But my to-do list keeps growing! So far I have

  1. Organized pantry and linen closets
  2. Cleaned half of each bedroom (a lot to clean!!)
  3. Rearranged and cleaned living room
  4. Balanced checkbook September through December
  5. Did all filing and paper sorting, once (need to do again, though!)
  6. Completed various paperwork projects (but have more to do!)
  7. Have taken children to numerous dr. appointments and attended school meetings

So very busy life for me!

Ryan is talking more that I’m home, for which I’ve been so grateful. I need to work with him even more, read to him, etc. I have been taking him to a music class at a local organization that is very fun! He also likes to play my guitar 🙂 This means I cannot really play it at that time as he grabs all the strings ;). I hope to get caught up enough on housework so that I can take 15-30 minutes a day to practice by myself on the guitar. I would like to get good again like I was in high school/college.

I still dream of getting back to college to get my music therapy degree. It would be cool to be really in practice on the guitar by then so I could progress a lot farther with some lessons there (as guitar will probably be my instrument of study there, though voice would be great too!).

Well I have a very busy day today with my mom coming over at 9:00, and it’s 5:30 now, so have one hour to scoot through kitchen and laundry room cleaning before I have to get Chris up for school (bus comes at 7).