
i want to post

but have my little boy on me. he luvs me – he’s so cute. i’m typing w/ one hand. he’s my snuggly 4-yr old. he’s sweet. i love him so much.

but was just in mood to clean a lot, post a lot, and be very productive because i’m done w/ typing after typing 3 days straight. i will be starting typing again tomorrow.

it’s too hard to keep typing 1 handed….

dori the slightly (more than) touched-out mama….


autism Ryan


working now, but …

went to the neuro, and he thinks Ryan may have PDD. Even with knowing it could happen, I still feel like I got kicked in the stomach.

I know it’s not a death sentence, but….

ugh. I really thought he was doing well and I don’t think he DOESN’T think Ryan is doing well, but just that by 4 1/2 we should be hearing some talking in sentences, etc. I guess I just was hoping the hearing loss was the total cause of the speech delay, and that there was no autism spectrum at all.

(2020, don’t know if I posted here, don’t think I did, but we had genetic testing done before having Ryan, even though he was kind of a surprise, and were told there was a very low chance of us having an autistic child again, that it shouldn’t even be a worry for us.  We also had our pediatrician tell us that Ryan wasn’t autistic.  So to hear that he was was even more devastating and shocking.  He’s wonderful as all three are, of course, but it still was/is hard to accept.


deafness, Ryan

finding vibes, please!

I LOST RYAN’S HEARING AIDS. I can’t find them anywhere. I know I brought them in the house; I remember taking them off of him (he has a clip) and I always put them in this one drawer, and they’re not there! I just looked through the whole house twice and am so aggravated. I don’t know if he took them out and was playing with them yesterday when I was working? I had to work like 1 1/2 hours more after he got home (not a good thing) and I hope he didn’t get into them and destroy them…. though I never once saw him with them. I just don’t know. (He takes them off when he gets home from school).

Ugh, so happy Rog has work now (same place since sept. 00). I’m going to keep my foot in the door with the jobs and do a little bit ($50 a month or so) just in case he gets laid off again. But right now, super. We’re having fun together, too.

Please send “finding” vibes my way for those hearing aides!

Love, dori


Ryan, transcription


(2020, ha ha no one needs to know that this picture was from APRIL of 2020 – wow what a lot of snow for April!!! – I seem to not have many pictures from 02 & 03 of 2006)…

User: dori

Comments: grrrr, there is a curse on me. I’m starting to wonder about this work at home thing. i finally got work after expecting it Friday night, and that job falling through for the company. I expected the work Mon.. night but didn’t get any until 10:30 yesterday. (I wanted to work straight through 8:30 – 11:30) So by the time it downloaded it was 11:00 (Ryan gets home at 11:45). So I typed for 45 minutes. Then I hoped all day yesterday to type here and there maybe totaling another 2 hours, but I only got 10 minutes in (Ryan rips the headphones off my ears when he’s home – he only wants to be with ME!). So then I waited until he went to sleep and I started typing at about 10:45 p.m. after i got a shower. I typed until 12 and then Chris got up for some reason and wouldn’t leave me alone! He kept pulling on my arms until I got up. Rog was just getting to bed but said he’d stay up with Chris that I should get some sleep. [I think Chris went right back to sleep after, that, though, so that was good]

Then I set the alarm for 4 but overslept until 4:30. I typed for about 15 minutes and who is up and pulling my headphones off? Ryan. I tried to get him back to sleep, but no luck. I think right now he’s finally (at 6:10) settled somewhere for a minute so I hope to type for 5 minutes but then I have to get the older kids off.

At least I’ll have 3 hours when he goes to school. It’s not long enough, though, to get it all done. It’s due at 3 p.m. but I’ll have ryan from 11:30-3.

This is when I wonder if I should get him in day care 3 hours a day? I know Rog will try and watch him, it’s just that Ryan knows where I am and escapes ad runs and finds me. I need a door on the office! One day I’ll say, “where is that boy that always wanted to be with me…. I miss him.”  (2020 – prophetic….  🙁  )



college, Ryan

potty training?


User: dori

Comments: DSL is better -they called last night and it turned out they
were detecting noise on our line and wondered if we had a phone plugged in without
a filter, I said the only one is where the dish is. they said to unplug that and
now it’s the fastest it’s ever been since we lived here. What gets me is the
place previously had said it was fine to have the dish plugged in without a


Replying …

Comments: DOES ANYONE have any potty training tips for Ryan? He has gone several
times, pee, and one-two times, poop, since he was 2. But I can’t get any
consistency. He takes his poopy diaper off and throws the poop in the toilet.
That is good. But I can’t get him to sit there and go. He won’t stay. Any tips?
He is 4.

Hoping I can get a new degree to have a better paying job. I just don’t know
what, yet. And how to get there, to college.


birthdays, Ryan


Best in quite a while!

Thanks for prayers and thoughts!

Here’s clips of Ryan’s very belated birthday party!


(2020 ha ha can’t remember what a photo story is!  but will just put the probable pics here as of course now the 2006 february pics are all in google photos…… unlimited storage!)  although these quite honestly may be Christmas?  Not sure.  


autism Ryan, chris, Christmas, Ryan, sleep

Yawn….. grrr.

I’m not very happy about the fact that Chris is up at 2:15 a.m. Just Sunday night he stayed up all night until 6 a.m. He seems to be doing this more often. Last year he started sleeping regularly July 15 with his hospitalization/med change. From july 15 until sometime at late fall he slept every night, then he had 1-2 nights he was up and he started suffering from his ear infections. All winter long if he stayed up it was usually an ear infection. It settled down again and he slept again for months and then last month (july) was up maybe 3-4 different nights – then, his swimmer’s ear. I wonder if he’s getting swimmer’s ear or ear infection again. My worst fear is that he’s losing the effect of his meds…. it’s happened before. (But not on these meds)

I am pretty tired and hope he sleeps soon – tomorrow is a very busy day and even at this point if he falls asleep right now I’m looking at about 4 1/2 hours sleep before I have to get up. We are going to Ryan’s last day family event day with an ice cream social. My mom is helping me. She is also watching kids so I can get a haircut. Then Thursday we’re going to a local waterpark (Rog will be off) for a fun day – Colleen had coupons from school. I’m not sure how much I really want to go but I know Colleen will enjoy it.

Ryan has had a lot of struggles at his summer preschool. He started hitting and even biting. They feel perhaps they didn’t have enough one-on-one attention for him. At his regular school he has a one-on-one. It will be interesting to see how his regular school year goes. His regular teacher in the school year seems to still be looking to make sure he’s not autistic, although the neurologist has ruled it out for the moment.

I really would like to run away somewhere, for just a little while….. only 1 more month (less than!) til Ryan goes back to school and I can take a BATH! or a NAP

DANG, i really wanted a shower, tonight too – was not counting on an all-night Chris party.

Ryan will be going to speech therapy 4 mornings a week in the school year. Since Colleen starts school at 8:00 instead of 9 I’ll be taking him to therapy at 8:30. It will be good to be done with that early and back home. He will get on his bus then M-Th. starting September 6 at 11:45 and if he rides bus home he’ll get home about 3. I’m hoping they let Colleen ride his bus – we’ll be in the situation where Chris gets home at 2:30-2:40, and I’m supposed to pick up Colleen at 2:30-2:45, and Ryan at 2:45. They said they’d probably have her go to Ryan’s class (they’re in the same school – preschool is at the middle school) and I hope they just let her ride his bus home. Or else I’ll have trouble being in two places at once!

Then I have to make decisions on several things – last year we did swimming on Monday, skating on Tuesday, counseling (for Colleen) on Wed., art (Colleen) on Thurs., and chiropractor (for all) on Friday. This year I would be adding on OT for Chris that is special at a center, possibly the same center for Ryan, and Colleen wants to do girl scouts and 4h Guinea pigs/small animals. Something will indeed have to give.

I am pretty sure I am not doing regular Christmas cards this year – I always do them and enjoy it SO much but this year for a little break I think I’m going to do holiday emails right at Thanksgiving, and then only send maybe 20-30 cards to family that doesn’t have email. A friend of mine and I plan to do some homemade goodies/crafts for Christmas gifts.

babbling to stay awake…….dori, not happy at 2:30 a.m.