transcription, work

baby steps…

Rog got 2+ weeks of work from his old company! And still the interview tomorrow. AND I got a small account landed from an old company that should start in May (it’s typing survey answers, nothing to do with the tests I just took) but it’s a nice side job that I did in 2002 with Rog that’s starting again.

Financially things seem to be improving!



transcription, work


Thanks for thinking of me everyone – I hope to SOMEDAY respond to comments!!! here’s the latest.

User: dori

Comments: update on yesterday  I’m testing for today (now 🙂 ) I’ve done half the test in rough draft already – it wasn’t bad. Getting back to it in full at 8:30 when Ryan gets on his bus. However, I’ve heard the second half is much harder, and about 3/4 of the people that posted on the WAHM board failed it. Prayers and thoughts appreciated!



User: dori

Comments: wish me luck – I took the test and the second half was ever as hard as they said. I listened 5 times and got it down to only one inaudible, so hopefully they’ll pass me.



transcription, work

new job?

check it out —

“Hello Dorene,
Thank you for taking an interest to our job posting. After reviewing numerous resumes, we believe that you possess a lot of the experience we are seeking.
Let me provide you with some information on the accounts for which we are recruiting transcriptionists. The bulk of the content will be broadcast news for both radio and television. Each broadcast varies between one and two hours in length. Each typist will be assigned a 15-minute segment to transcribe, but will be encouraged to request as many segments as they can realistically complete within the designated turnaround time. In general, most finished transcripts are due back to us within 3 hours following the conclusion of the assigned broadcast segment. Work assignments will commence within the next couple of weeks.”

I need to take a test for this. If I pass, it sounds like this will be steady work. Then again, i don’t want to be overwhelmed! I should test Monday, probably. It’s an 8 minute file which will take me about 45 minutes I would think?

We had a great but busy week – usual stresses. 

(2020, looking back, bet this was PeopleSupport?  where I transcribed NPR?  I loved that job, then it went overseas and the U.S. no longer had it….)

Ryan, transcription


(2020, ha ha no one needs to know that this picture was from APRIL of 2020 – wow what a lot of snow for April!!! – I seem to not have many pictures from 02 & 03 of 2006)…

User: dori

Comments: grrrr, there is a curse on me. I’m starting to wonder about this work at home thing. i finally got work after expecting it Friday night, and that job falling through for the company. I expected the work Mon.. night but didn’t get any until 10:30 yesterday. (I wanted to work straight through 8:30 – 11:30) So by the time it downloaded it was 11:00 (Ryan gets home at 11:45). So I typed for 45 minutes. Then I hoped all day yesterday to type here and there maybe totaling another 2 hours, but I only got 10 minutes in (Ryan rips the headphones off my ears when he’s home – he only wants to be with ME!). So then I waited until he went to sleep and I started typing at about 10:45 p.m. after i got a shower. I typed until 12 and then Chris got up for some reason and wouldn’t leave me alone! He kept pulling on my arms until I got up. Rog was just getting to bed but said he’d stay up with Chris that I should get some sleep. [I think Chris went right back to sleep after, that, though, so that was good]

Then I set the alarm for 4 but overslept until 4:30. I typed for about 15 minutes and who is up and pulling my headphones off? Ryan. I tried to get him back to sleep, but no luck. I think right now he’s finally (at 6:10) settled somewhere for a minute so I hope to type for 5 minutes but then I have to get the older kids off.

At least I’ll have 3 hours when he goes to school. It’s not long enough, though, to get it all done. It’s due at 3 p.m. but I’ll have ryan from 11:30-3.

This is when I wonder if I should get him in day care 3 hours a day? I know Rog will try and watch him, it’s just that Ryan knows where I am and escapes ad runs and finds me. I need a door on the office! One day I’ll say, “where is that boy that always wanted to be with me…. I miss him.”  (2020 – prophetic….  🙁  )




ho ho ho

ha ha -well, now I don’t have any work. The transcription company said the law firm couldn’t transfer their tapes over to digital after all so it’s going to take longer now to get the work out to us. So -maybe I’ll be able to write a long post Sunday after all!

love, d


birthdays, hamsters, life, transcription

a grumpy birthday for me

We of course all are still very sad about the loss of our Spice but not thinking about it every ay anymore. We love our lent (from mom) guinea pig Reese and we are still talking about getting a little dog (another yahoo group to join to see what kind to get for the kids, etc.).

I had a bunch of work since wed. so was busy typing typing typing. My mom was here 3 days helping me. She just came over to celebrate our birthdays (me and Ryan on Wed. the 22nd) and ended up staying until Friday night while I typed and she cleaned. She’s a sweetie! She went home last night so of course I should now be cleaning but here I sit. I’m TIRED!

Wed. was our birthdays, like I said, and my mom did a lot to make it a special day. She got us cupcakes and took me for a subway sandwich. She also brought me new clothes, and ryan a cute puzzle, and bought us (along with my uncle) a new dehumidifier. We are celebrating my and Ryan’s birthday next week with Roger’s parents. I haven’t given Ryan any of his presents either. We’re having the party on March 3, I think. But I was still kinda grumpy…. grrr. But I knew I had to take the work as no other money is coming in! Luckily though Rog is supposed to start a night cleaning job next week. Just about 15 hours a week.

Roger and I balance each other – when I’m too peppy and upbeat he gives me a reality check, I hope that when he’s down I cheer him up. We love our music, and goofy old tv shows, and we make each other laugh. And he’s hard working and a great dad.

I admit when I worked, I actually felt like it was EASIER at times. Get in the car, drive 2 boys to day care (after daughter walked down the street to her babysitter), drive 45 minutes while listening to my religious show of devotional speaking, get tasks done at work and actually get complimented for it (most of the time, until the end when I was fired for absenteeism at the end due to sick kids) and have a whole hour lunch where I did paperwork or ran errands, or just SAT, or even WALKED on a nice summer day), then finish the day and drive home and just watch kids for 2-3 hours. Of course it was hard with the housework, and no time with kids, and extra take out and convenience foods draining the budget, etc., but the actual DAY, WORKING at the job? No kidding, it was probably easier.

if you’re still with me, thank ya — I feel better.

now off to do massive cleaning with my head a little more cleared out than before.



hamsters, transcription


GOOD NEWS – I have work. 90 minutes of dictation to work on transcribing until Monday night. It’s due Tuesday morning. And the kids have their camp at MRDD center today (Colleen volunteers) so Rog and I are still going to lunch (we think) and then I’ll type about 3 hours. I’m going to type now, and tomorrow early morning, too. I hadn’t worked since Jan. 31 so I was getting nervous!  I have 2 clients so far (this one now is from 2000 and I hadn’t worked for them since then, because I’d gotten that full-time legal transcription job at the end of 2000 and gave up all the others).

BAD NEWS – we found our little Spice (hamster) Angel expired in the sump pump last night. She was missing from her cage in the middle of the night when I woke from the couch, and with Colleen gone at the friend’s overnight and Rog looking for jobs on the computer no one got her down earlier. I expect she escaped sometime Thursday night after one of us put her back in her cage. She was such a sweetie. We will miss her very much. I was crying and crying. After sleeping on the couch 9-1:30 a.m. I ended up being up until 3:30 after discovering her and then crying. Then I got up at 6 to start typing.

We still have a guinea pig (Reese) that my mom brought over to visit Colleen – she’s been her a few days. She’s sweet, but I don’t know her like my Houdini Spice — she ended up having 6 lives as that’s how many times she’d escaped without killing herself…..

must work now….hope these files are easy to 

transcription, work, work at home

bragging ;) files/type-align.html

and the start of my husband’s business site…. files//brightness.html

[note from 2010 – we don’t really practice the brightness.html business at this time – and I am on a minimum mode with type-align but if anyone is interested in transcription, let me know what your turnaround time need is and I will consider your terms.]

(additional 2020 -wow, can’t believe those business sites still open!  will have to get them on our line-bright site in some fashion — ironically starting transcription again shortly after a 9 year break….)

fun fun!

I don’t really want more business right now but getting my name out a little may not be a bad thing in case this job would get too slow or not work out. I did a business card too with that same logo on it and my husband made his own also with the logo on his web site (he actually made his card first and I stole the logo off it and put on the site).

dori, who has to get back to typing CD #2 of 3 due Tuesday…


life, transcription, work at home, writing


Thanks, Heather, for alerting me to this —

check this out, guys

Check that out.. put in your addy + it’ll show you a map of where the sex offenders are near you. Click on one of the red boxes (offenders) + it’ll tell you their name, what they look like, what they did + when.”

And, am I the only idiot that forgets for entries on end to put “friends” only? I just changed like 10 entries from public to friends. I’m going to have to see if there’s a default for that…..

(2020 obviously above is a reference to LiveJournal — this was a friends-only blog on there.  I actually had to delete a lot of stuff to make this a public blog….)

dori, who’s proud to say she typed 2/3 of a CD at 6:00 a.m…..

transcription, work at home


Image result for cd image

Yay I got 3 more CD’S! He paid me $25 and said next time (Tuesday) he’ll have me sign non-compete/confidentiality agreement and start me on the 1099 system via checks. I guess he liked the work!!!

I was so embarrassed – he asked me to print out my copy of what I typed and I explained we’re buying printer cartridges today – that it might look bad. It did look pretty bad — he seemed to understand. It was all blurry and smearing.