adhd, autism, autism Ryan, medications, transcription

3 with autism diagnosis —

Ryan was diagnosed today with ADHD and also suspected PDD (pervasive developmental disorder, the umbrella term of autism that is most mild). He went ahead and gave the PDD diagnosis [which he suspected but didn’t know how much of the behaviors could be from his hearing loss] to enable him to have the most schooling and therapy. He should be able to go to all day school next year now for kindergarten in an autism class. I’m relieved about that in one way because I know he really needs the structure. On the other hand it breaks our hearts to have three children on the autism spectrum though, again, Ryan’s diagnosis could change as he gets older and more verbal and maybe it’ll change to Asperger’s like his sister who is just about typical with some vague shadow syndromes.

His ADHD seems rather severe and although he is only 4 he’s been prescribed medication – FocalinXR. I need to do some research on it. I’m afraid to give it so young- Colleen didn’t start on Ritalin and then Concerta until she was about 9, but she was never as hyperactive. He actually does very dangerous things – he has run into the street before and just yesterday he plugged in a waffle iron in the living room while I wasn’t looking for a minute and just left it heating. He didn’t ask me about it, just went, got it and plugged it in. He has become extremely hard to handle and even though he’s only 50 pounds it’s exhausting. 50 pounds is still 50 pounds. and on a day when 200-pound Chris is pulling me around – watch out.

They have always prescribed new meds for Chris that again I’m afraid to try. we think we’re going to try and hospitalize him to enable the med change – his last med change he had a psychotic reaction in 2004 (I think that’s the right word?) similar to tardive diskenysia (sp?) and it was horrible. I have to make an ASAP appt. for him Monday.

Thanks for prayers for us!

Prayers also appreciated for our financial situation – we’re doing okay but we got so behind both when Rog was laid off and I was on the one working, and then when he was working but I took a break due to the severe situation of the kids, that we are pretty behind. I’m about to put all our back bills on credit cards just to start with a clean slate because I don’t want any shutoffs. But you hate to do that too…

In the “small potatoes” category I really want to get my house cleaned up WELL by Tuesday afternoon for my weekly assignment wed. with RT. I worked a lot this last month with two unexpected large assignments (YAY!) from individuals (direct pay) and it was very worth it!! But I had never even caught up from Christmas [still have a Christmas tree up in the basement family room] and just need some time now to breathe and try and clean all the rooms well. I’m tired of tripping over things! To keep our sanity we just need to get our surroundings organized and I’d appreciate prayer that we could do that and keep it that way with everyone’s help in the home.

I also have temporarily (I hope only temporarily) lost my autism/deafness family picture blog due to moving servers (the new server so far has been unable to access my old servers files) and we’ve been unable to load the database even though it looks on paper simple as pie. This is 3 years of work (including old journals from another web site) and I had a lot of friends comments on there and some people who had asked for help with autism/deafness whose contacts will be lost if this blog is lost. I had just made it onto google and was getting some comments [though small and far between[ and now they’re getting a blank page. And i”m not sure whether to leave it blank and as is for the techs to work on or to make a new blank blog – not sure how to proceed. I know it’s a small thing but was so important to me – prayers on that appreciated!

And I have a bad headache today – had aches and pains yesterday half the day – and 3 people in my family have had a bad cold or flu and I’m surely hoping I’m not catching it.

I’m glad you are all here and that I still have this journal πŸ™‚

(2020 as I’ll probably see noted in here later I did find all those blogs — they are pretty much merged in here now!!)

autism, Christmas, medications, transcription

the keyboard calls again —

and once again I’m getting addicted to transcription!

User: dori

Comments: copied update with some additions at the bottom as I’ve been too busy to post anywhere – hope everyone is well – I’m TIRED! but happy, mostly ;}

Hello! been working on all sorts of things, Trying to send from gmail again – we’ll see if it works. I reconfigured it. I found out today I wasn’t getting mail from a manager out at Rapid Text as well – I emailed them about it (I read about the emails on my board) and never heard back, so just called them and she found my emails in her spam folder! So I’m definitely hoping this gmail works as something seems goofy with sbcglobal!
Continue reading “the keyboard calls again —”

transcription, work at home


I’m WORKING! I had decided to go back to one company, and to start next week, just like one day a week. So that is in the works and I’m updating my files for them to get ready. But in the meantime, that local man that I had worked for last summer called me out of the blue with a large typing project. I’m actually already working on it and will be working for him clear through the week until I start the other place next weekend. Strange how things work — I don’t know now if I’ll ever get my happy new year greetings out like I usually do, but you know I mean well — SO HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!


autism, health, organizing, transcription


Comments: Good morning! So far I feel wonderful this morning! I had what I think was a mild migraine last night (no aura or anything) and it responded to Exedrin Migraine. I slept like 10 until 7 a.m. and got a shower. Everyone is still sleeping.

The web site of the conference information is

But I see that hardly any has been transferred yet of the 14 breakout sessions that they had. 3, I think. I plan to read over those three as those were ones I did not attend. We attended the keynote speech by Sean Barron and got the book he and Temple Grandin wrote. We got to speak to him and his girlfriend Barbara and had them sign the book. That was awesome! He ate at Quiznos with her – we saw them in the cafeteria – I wanted to take a picture but restrained myself πŸ˜‰

Continue reading “conference”

autism, transcription

fences, and anniversaries ;)

My daycare assistance meeting is Tuesday. They tentatively approved me even though at first the lady scared me saying “oh, we don’t cover people who work at HOME.” Then I explained, you don’t understand – I have special needs children who RIP my headphones off my head and don’t permit me to work – I need to have some part-time child care set up in order to work. And I lost two jobs due to having to call in all the time with them being sick – I have to work at home for the flexibility of working around my children’s therapy and any sick time. Then she checked with her supervisor and called back and said her supervisor approved it. I still have to be approved financially though.

Today is our anniversary.

We’re going to an autism seminar ALL day Friday. I’m really looking forward to getting away without the kids for a while. They start camp Monday, also, a NICE 5-WEEK BREAK!


deafness, transcription

my hearing test!

First I worked end of last week and all weekend, first transcription assignment I’ve accepted in almost a month.

Then I had appointments all week solidly! We are trying to use our insurance while we have it as well as getting all the kids school stuff done for the year.

Monday I went to my ENT/audiologist and found out that I too, in addition to my dad, 2 of my children, and 2 cousins, have neurosensory hearing loss. I’ll be fitted for hearing aids soon to join my children in this adventure. I have a moderate hearing loss but my right ear is much better; thus my good ability to still do the transcription.

Have a good rest of the week – dori


organizing, transcription


Can I have the award of having accomplished the most in 24 hours πŸ˜‰


got everything ready for kids to go back to school
got all my dishes washed
cleaned Ryan’s room
did a lot of laundry
studied how to do my first file for the transcription company TTC this morning.
Stayed up until 1 a.m. doing necessary reading and emails
got up at 6
got kids to school, but then took a half hour nap
did my file, my first file, took twice as long as they wanted but was still told I did a good job
did more dishes, started dinner
was offered another file, but turned it down.

I’m tired! The rest of the house is still trashed. I think I’m in bed at 9:30 tonight if possible!

Things are steady, we’re working hard, and I’m glad things are back to normal a bit…

blessings, dori


surveys, transcription, work

still alive…


I’m either working, researching working, or updating my computer for work. Wow! I’m taking some breaks this week (spring break!) and getting a haircut and trying to clean the house, but still have to review instructions on two new jobs I’m starting after that! For part time work I’m sure spending a lot of time…. but it’s a learning curve.

DH has a bunch of work now! We’re going to get a shed, a new computer (since I’m on this one all the time for work now!) and some new locks for our doors (to keep Chris from running across the street in this nicer weather!).

Hope everyone’s well, haven’t even read in ages.  (2020, I’m sure this referred to a mom’s group I was on since 1996, that I still keep up with now on Facebook!)

love, d


life, sleep, transcription

up early? NA, THERE’S A TIME CHANGE – it’s later than you THINK!

Ha! I got up at 5 to start my depo proofing (I’m weird and actually like getting up early – though I do feel the start of a cold from my sleep kinda being untypical lately – like staying up until 1 Friday night typing, sleeping until 7 on Saturday, then falling asleep at like 9 last night, sleeping until 12, trying to get up and proofread, then my son getting up and my having to go get him back to sleep, then getting up at 5 with the alarm (trying to take advantage of that time when he’s asleep don’cha know!)

Well, I looked with surprise at my computer and it said 6:30 (I’d been leisurely in the bathroom, checking my email, getting a cup of tea for the sore throat, for half hour before I looked at it) and I was discombobulated for a minute before I remembered, oh, spring ahead. Back to standard time here in the “northeastern midwest” of Ohio.
