Category: organizing
skinny minnie?
Something’s missing, don’t know what. Some cool surveys, though.
I just want to do something different but don’t know what. I’m happy, but… oh, I don’t know. I love my kids, my husband. I love being a stay at home mom. But my dreams of school seem to be on hold again. It’s so hard. I know my kids come first. Here’s some postings from my moms group which just say more about all that
User: dori
Comments: I’m going to try and STOP talking about my decision stuff SO much after this because I think you’re all getting sick of it. But I need to just reply a bit more to stuff from the past few days. THEN I’LL STOP so you don’t kill me :P. So I’ll try and keep it short and first will just update you on the present.
Continue reading “Something’s missing, don’t know what. Some cool surveys, though.”
a little update finally —
You’re a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn’t
mean you weren’t educational, you sneaky
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
it is a lazy Sunday and I have SO much cleaning to do.
Last I wrote Chris was having a VERY VERY VERY bad time. We had an awful 4 months – February – sinus infections, ear infections with ear injury from hitting; March, 2 ear surgeries, missed most of the whole month off of school, plus drug reaction to Seroquel/Risperdol and withdrawal; April, entire month, I believe, from school, just about (he may have gone a week or so), had 1-2 more sinus infections; May, Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy, and finally had to start more meds as he was still being aggressive, self-injurious, and very very upset and not sleeping at all hardly (like 3-4 hours every few days is all); and June started horribly as well but FINALLY last 3-4 days his new meds (Tenex) is kicking in and he’s sleeping a little more and is seeming happier. FINALLY.
(2020 pans/pandas)
another quick update
hope to soon have time to ramble, but here’s just a cut and paste….. simply a copied email I just sent out. Prayers appreciated…….
I wanted to send one final update on Chris and then hopefully things will be calm and stable for a while!
(A summary in case I had missed any of you in rushing to get the prayer requests out – Chris had surgery on his ear 3/10 after he’d caused hematoma on it from hitting it so much. He then destroyed the surgery as we could not keep him from hitting it/picking on it and he had another surgery at the hospital on 3/19. He got out of the hospital on 3/26 after being anesthetized again on 3/26 for the pediatric surgeons to make sure ear was healed (this time under 24-hour supervision). It was, so he was sent home.)
thoughts on juggling…
Had another interesting session with my now weekly doc I’m seeing re: My ADD. He’s doing IQ tests with me. The math word problems were very hard for me! He said that I did way above average on them but that it took me excessively longer than normal to perform the calculations. And he said this was very normal for an ADD person. I will continue the testing next time. I also had been told (don’t think I posted this?) that I have a problem in my working memory, that showed upon the IQ tests, that I have a good short term memory except for the part that involves organization and working with what I’ve learned. Thus, the problem I have with organization and multi-tasking. It’s amazing how these tests can show all that!!
So, we talked about the book I wrote in high school, that I want to complete but was flabbergasted that I haven’t worked on since 1996! We talked about all the irons I have had in the fire, and always have had in the fire. My nick in high school (my initials then were D.E.) was Doing Everything, in the class nickname list. They should have added, doing everything but not getting any of them done!!!
So, when I try to juggle all these balls I can’t control them and they come crashing down. That’s what happened, when I lost my job and lost control of my home organization, etc. So now I’m learning to juggle from scratch. One ball, then maybe two. Not twelve.
He was proud of me that I’m on a daily cleaning schedule now, and that I’m not adding 100 new things to my list. I would like to pick something eventually to add — my book, or extra guitar practice, or something. But right now I’m not sure what!!!
Well, off for that cleaning schedule (did half my household tasks today).
busy busy busy

— you’d think I’d be sitting around eating bonbons by now, this SAHM, who has not worked in 7 weeks! But my to-do list keeps growing! So far I have
- Organized pantry and linen closets
- Cleaned half of each bedroom (a lot to clean!!)
- Rearranged and cleaned living room
- Balanced checkbook September through December
- Did all filing and paper sorting, once (need to do again, though!)
- Completed various paperwork projects (but have more to do!)
- Have taken children to numerous dr. appointments and attended school meetings
So very busy life for me!
Ryan is talking more that I’m home, for which I’ve been so grateful. I need to work with him even more, read to him, etc. I have been taking him to a music class at a local organization that is very fun! He also likes to play my guitar 🙂 This means I cannot really play it at that time as he grabs all the strings ;). I hope to get caught up enough on housework so that I can take 15-30 minutes a day to practice by myself on the guitar. I would like to get good again like I was in high school/college.
I still dream of getting back to college to get my music therapy degree. It would be cool to be really in practice on the guitar by then so I could progress a lot farther with some lessons there (as guitar will probably be my instrument of study there, though voice would be great too!).
Well I have a very busy day today with my mom coming over at 9:00, and it’s 5:30 now, so have one hour to scoot through kitchen and laundry room cleaning before I have to get Chris up for school (bus comes at 7).
Quick update (is there ever a slow one??)
Someday I just want to go slow and ramble for hours on here….
Baby boo is up and keeping me busy, so this will be short. He is doing good — he is talking more since I’ve been home!! He also has not thrown up since I’ve been home (at day care he was throwing up every few days?!!!). We were ready to take him to an allergist to see if he had food allergies, it was happening so much. Now he’s home, boom, disappeared!!!
I have accomplished many household tasks — organized many cabinets and cupboards, rearranged living room, etc. Busy busy! I have SO much more to do. Mountains of clothes to put away in our bedroom – that will be today and tomorrow’s task. Today is a birthday party for DH, the big 4-0!! So we will be at his mom’s – she has nice parties for all of us in her home so that we don’t have to worry about them here (our house is tiny, like a closet, especially with us 5 in here!!)
Well, so I’m the busy SAHM and still hope to go back to college, but don’t know when that will be. I want to go for music therapy. I am hoping to do the prerequisites close by, and then the remainder I shall have to drive about 1 hour away to fulfil. THis will be years away, though, I’m sure!
I am trying to lose weight again — I have been overweight since a child but on and off diets. After RJ was born I haven’t really sustained any effort to lose weight – just now though this Tuesday I have gone back on a plan that I was on in the years before he was born. I’d lost 25 or so pounds then so I hope to have success again! I need to lose about 60 pounds. So far I’ve lost just 3/4 of a pound, but that was in 4 days 🙂
All for now, dori