organizing, transcription


Can I have the award of having accomplished the most in 24 hours 😉


got everything ready for kids to go back to school
got all my dishes washed
cleaned Ryan’s room
did a lot of laundry
studied how to do my first file for the transcription company TTC this morning.
Stayed up until 1 a.m. doing necessary reading and emails
got up at 6
got kids to school, but then took a half hour nap
did my file, my first file, took twice as long as they wanted but was still told I did a good job
did more dishes, started dinner
was offered another file, but turned it down.

I’m tired! The rest of the house is still trashed. I think I’m in bed at 9:30 tonight if possible!

Things are steady, we’re working hard, and I’m glad things are back to normal a bit…

blessings, dori


Christmas, life, organizing

The list


  • 3 snows in 2 weeks – beautiful but cold!
  • Sent out Christmas postcards and emails – felt funny not doing regular cards, newsletters and pix but needed break!
  • Bought about half of Christmas presents?
  • Sold our old house – in-laws bought from us to sell after repairing – I hope they make good money on it!
  • Got ourselves a Christmas present/settlement check receipt celebration – 32″ flat screen (NOT HD or whatever) $500 TV with also a stereo system and beautiful cabinet and CD players yesterday! Have NEVER done that in almost 19 years of marriage!
  • Ate at a lovely delicious Chinese buffet yesterday too
  • Keeping up with dishes
  • Have unpacked all boxes in house about 3 times but then lugged more in from old house and in-laws and have to do it all again 😉
  • Haven’t seen hide or hair of our mouse (mice?) and no sign of them. 4 traps set
  • Our lovely Spice escaped last week and went downstairs and was only inches from the mousetrap. Found her when up early! She doesn’t seem very well now and we hope she’s okay 🙁

More soon, that’s the biggies.

Look for me to comment in a few weeks I HOPE! I love your comments and always read them. So I hope you have time to comment this time!

Blessed season to you all!


Christmas, organizing, Weather

the mundane

A little more on little old me. Then I hope to come back soon (next week early hopefully?) and write comments to you all…

Freezing here, but it’s warm inside! I’m not going anywhere until afternoon. Last night I went to the other house and got some boots – for Rog, Chris & possibly Ryan (not sure if they fit). I couldn’t find any hats or gloves, so I’m going to have to go somewhere tonight with Doreen before or after Chiro and get some. My boots are at Gayle’s still. Tomorrow the kids have Saturday camp so I know they’ll need hats and gloves if they go outside. So no time to hunt all over.

I may go tomorrow to the other house for a while with Rog to pack up more stuff. We still need to go through everything there due to the moths and also just to sort. I’ve thrown lots of stuff away! We did take some moths here but are keeping all of our dry goods in big plastic rubbermaid bins. So far no problem with those. Then we need to do some birthday shopping for Chris.

And I’ll have to get up in the attic again at the old house to get all the rest of our Christmas decorations!

Last night after we got back, I was taking all the stuff in the house, and I turned around and saw Doreen’s vehicle as she was backing out – with the rear in the ditch and the front facing upwards a bit. Sigh. Some man came by and got someone else with a big truck and they pulled her out. But yep, some serious ditches here!!

Another surprise – I was in the basement yesterday and just happened to be looking towards Ryan’s toy box and I saw a little figure with ears and eyes – of course, I think Spice? But I looked and no, it’s GRAY and it went running off then behind Ryan’s toy boxes. MICE. Sigh.

So as usual lots of work and excitement at the household.

Better get to it – need to clean basement now and mop with bleach water and see if I see a mouse hole? And I need to clean upstairs again too….

Oh, I also fell down the outside stairs last night with my winter coat on thankfully- got a sore hipbone but no damage. I need my BOOTS for traction! We’ll be going out the garage from now on!


autism, organizing, relocation

Families in trouble

I did get lots of stuff done yesterday and DH helped me a lot. I sorted all the papers again in the living room and packed up more stuff. Sorted out several drawers in the bedroom and organized those. Threw out tons of stuff! And this morning I did some laundry and actually baked a cake. Not that I need to eat it — ha! — but I’m trying to use up all my boxed goods especially due to the danged moths we have that get into all of that stuff. I’m not taking ANY of them with me…. the boxed goods (and hopefully not the moths, either!)

Wanted to post about two autism related things–

Continue reading “Families in trouble”

health, organizing, photos, relocation

Old house pictures

I spent this morning taking some pictures of the house here as some moms on this moms group I’m on wanted to see it. They’re actually doing a video but I don’t know if I’ll have time to do that before we move. So I took a bunch of new pictures here 

2020 (invalid link) will try and just post a few of the pictures from 2005 above . I am a little aggravated though, with coppermine – I may eventually try and find a new picture site. I get aggravated because I named all the pictures about you can’t see the names and descriptions when you run the slideshow. What good is that? And I don’t know how to change the order either. Oh well…. sigh. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Yuck – cold. Drip. Sneeze. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Ryan is off now, and I had some lunch – leftover pork and potatoes and sauerkraut. I am going to go off and do the pantry. I must do that today. I did pack up the linen closet yesterday and did the dishes. Yeah me!

I just have to go to bank and then go grocery shopping. I was supposed to go with him to the bank after speech but I just realized I forgot to. I also have to pick up Chris’s pills. So I’ll have a busy time with Doreen! I think we’ll just go to Aldi’s.

Day four now of underwriting AGAIN – I have never waited this long before at one time. Last time it went through underwriting in 2 hours. The time before, 3 days. I may have to call them soon. There is absolutely nothing new on the web site of our account since Oct. 6.

I have to run now — i’ll probably be on a posting break for quite a while. I have too much to do and have been on the computer too much.


organizing, relocation

not much to update…

but doing it anyway. I have a sinus headache, and have a pile of groceries to put away. I didn’t pack at all today, but did wash dishes, do laundry, take a shower, and take care of the kids minus the 2 1/2 hours Ryan goes to preschool. So another busy day!

Talked briefly to the loan guy – still waiting on the underwriter (I don’t know why but I always want to type undertaker! he!). Said she is trying to get to it all but of course has 14 other files on her desk that have the same urgency so he can’t tell me when we’ll know the answer.


Oh well.



organizing, relocation, surveys, Uncategorized

sittin’ and waitin’ for the phone to ring

Well, only for a few moments. I’m going to be mindless and do a survey. I already got 2 kids off to school, took a third to speech therapy, and took a great 1/2 hour walk for some much needed exercise and prayer time. Next, back to cleaning and packing, since we’re moving out of here no matter what (just will take longer if we have to wait and sell this house and find another house if this loan fails!)

I may or may not know today, now. Lady last night said it may be a few more days. If I don’t post you know I died from waiting….. ha!

Continue reading “sittin’ and waitin’ for the phone to ring”

children, organizing, surveys, weight

I’ve really cut back on my computer time —

and it shows! My house is much cleaner and I think I’ve really caught up a lot on paperwork. I probably won’t be here that much now as it’s summer break and my kids will be home all the time — except for brief periods in the morning while one or the other will have preschool/special needs camp/bible school, etc. I haven’t really been reading as much either – but will come back when I have time.

Pray this summer goes well for us – it can be a challenging time as Chris is so used to going to school and doesn’t understand why he’s not going now!! And here I was all set up to blow up the little wading pools and my stupid air pump is GONE – I can’t find it. It’s too hot to walk to the playground. So he’s in the shower AGAIN.

But, all in all, things are much better than LAST summer…

I LOST 5 POUNDS!!! so far…. 50 more to go!

survey: Continue reading “I’ve really cut back on my computer time —”