

It’s been so long since I’ve tried to do this…

I see the light, I see the path.
Though the gnarly branches in the way
are enough to trip us up,
I can still see the light of day

Can you see it too?
That the vision is clearing, it is truth.
Through the obstacles we run
and we will be stronger than we were in youth.

The light is dim and eyes can’t see.
It seems the shards of glass
of obstacles cut through hope,
but they sharpen our vision; this will pass.

I saw the heavens in my dream
and you were there with me.
I lost you for a moment
but then we were in eternity.

A vision given of hope
That the One who made us is there always.
Though we be sin-full and pride-full
He’s always there to lead us through the maze.

dh – 6-14-06


music, surveys

music survey from Angela

I think I’ve been very good today on my day alone (Rog working just today, and kids at school). I have 15 more minutes before 4-year-old gets home, and my legs hurt (blah) so a
break is in order! I also already cleaned up the bedrooms, cleaned the bathrooms, and sorted through papers that had stacked up. Ahhh, relax a minute. ?

List 10
artists. (Do this before reading the other questions!):

1. Coldplay
2. U2
3. Third Day
4. Amy Grant
5. Steven Curtis Chapman
6. Live
7. Yes
8. Genesis
9. Rush
10. Journey
Continue reading “music survey from Angela”


busy busy

Image result for Image VeggieTales


yep, this is pretty much me, and I hear and sing this ALL the time (Ryan’s cd….)

Veggie Tales – Busy, Busy Lyrics
Archibald (Mayor): I’m busy, busy, dreadfully busy
You’ve no idea what I have to do.
Busy, busy, shockingly busy
Much, much too busy for you.
Larry: Oh, I see.

Archibald and Doctor: We’re busy, busy, dreadfully busy
You’ve no idea what we have to do.
Busy, busy, shockingly busy
Much, much too busy for you.

‘Cause we’re busy, busy, frightfully busy
More than a bumblebee, more than an ant.
Busy, busy, horribly busy
We’d love to help, but we can’t!

Archibald: Ta ta!


And if you feel no one loves you, I care, and I believe the One above does too


colleen, writing

question on kids’ blogs

If you were a mom of an 11 1/2 year old girl, would you let her have a blog on here? Set to friends only and only her friends you know? Set with your email as the default email?

That’s what I’m thinking of doing, and I think she’ll be safe that way, but wondered what you all thought? I can put a private journal flag on the intro page so strangers wouldn’t be email her to try and read it, but could make the entries friends only so that her friends in real life could read and comment. I thought she could post her animal pictures in photobucket to share.

What do you think? Any stories (horror or otherwise)?


life, transcription, work at home, writing


Thanks, Heather, for alerting me to this —

check this out, guys

Check that out.. put in your addy + it’ll show you a map of where the sex offenders are near you. Click on one of the red boxes (offenders) + it’ll tell you their name, what they look like, what they did + when.”

And, am I the only idiot that forgets for entries on end to put “friends” only? I just changed like 10 entries from public to friends. I’m going to have to see if there’s a default for that…..

(2020 obviously above is a reference to LiveJournal — this was a friends-only blog on there.  I actually had to delete a lot of stuff to make this a public blog….)

dori, who’s proud to say she typed 2/3 of a CD at 6:00 a.m…..

autism, chris, deafness, writing

A poem —


Wow, I just found this poem as I was packing and sorting notebooks in my laundry room. I wrote this 8/26/90, just 3 months before Chris was born.

curled up tight
in a cocoon
hug the branch
call it home
afraid to fall
out of the shell
to unknown

can the cocoon
stay home
safe inside me?
what would this
safety bring?

dh 8/26/90

That really struck me – my 14 year old Chris, still in his cocoon, of autism, and deafness


God, music, relocation

Good things come to them that wait


The loan has been approved! We are just waiting for all the papers to be verified and then we shall get KEYS! in a few weeks to maybe a month.

We had a bit of a test early this week as we were told by our attorneys that the loan arrangement did not look very solid. So we had to go to a different lender and reapply all over again!! So a few extra stressful days there…

Waiting, and trusting,



More Power To Ya

More Power to Ya: The Petra Devotional

Also featured on:
Muscle Shoals, Vol. 4: More Power to Ya

You say you’ve been feeling weaker, weaker by the day,
You say you can’t make the joy of your Salvation stay,
But Good things come to them that wait, not to those who Hesitate,
So, hurry up & wait upon the Lord

More power to ya, when you’re standing on His word.
When you’re trusting with your Whole heart in the Message you have heard,
More power to ya, when we’re all in one accord,
they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew,
They shall renew their strength

Jesus promised His Disciples He’d give strength to them,
Jesus told them all to tarry in Jerusalem,
When they were all in one accord the power of His Spirit Poured & they Began to turn the World around


So Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might,
Put on all His armour and fight the good fight, in all of our weakness
He becomes so strong, and He gives us the power & the Strength to carry on


God, music, relocation

He has made a way

God will make a way

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness
He’ll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His word will still remain
He will do something new today.

This is a song, by David Moehn or something like that – and I heard it today and it gave me such comfort that we are doing the right thing with buying this house!!! We had the home inspection today and everything went fairly well. There is a lot of work to do, but structurally it’s very sound!! I have been nervous about having to get a home equity loan on this house to get it, but that song arriving on the cd right after i’d prayed about whether we were doing the right thing made me feel we’re going the right direction. I have also prayed that God will BLOCK it if it’s not right.

We’re going up on our mortgage by about $400, but down on other expenses by about $200. So it should be okay. I just pray Rog has more work soon – we’re in the middle of work stoppage right now, week 4 starting tomorrow. We did save for it, though – it usually happens in the summer and it happened in the fall instead. We’re just now going to run short if we don’t get work THIS week. Pray for us, please –