Time: Saturday, 2/26/2005 9:49:41 PM (#66046)
User: dori
Spice is gone.
I don’t mean she died – she escaped! We are looking for her now, and we set a bucket trap of seed in the living room and 4 seeds in each room with the lights out and towels under the doors. I’ve been so sick and tired I didn’t clean, so now have lots of boxes of toys,etc., to look through for a little sleeping escapee —
I hope she didn’t die or get outside….
Time: Sunday, 2/27/2005 5:46:38 AM (#66047)
User: dori
Comments: early a.m., my pets hub post —
haven’t found her yet, but in the middle of the night last night I thought I heard scratching and rustling in our bedroom. We brought the cage in there. And the sunflower seeds I’d left in every room, they were gone in our room.