email to my friend + some updates added…..
Things seem to be really coming to a head with Chris. He would not get on the bus yesterday. Nor would he get on the bus today.
Living & Loving, Autism & Deafness
Our Journey with our loved ones and our lives
email to my friend + some updates added…..
Things seem to be really coming to a head with Chris. He would not get on the bus yesterday. Nor would he get on the bus today.
2 years ago Ryan had this mop of curls. I’m so glad I have them on film as they’re gone!!
New collage of pix too — on my header.
Next step – I must start building my resource pages for deafness and autism. May have to take a hiatus from posting pics (though it’s so much fun!). I’ll post Halloween pics next but then have to be disciplined… want to release this finished as a resource site by Christmas!
If anyone is actually reading and knows of any resource sites to tell me of, please let me know.
Off to check on a rambunctious four-year-old….
Too cute! Pics here of Ryan putting the babies to bed (these are adopted from his sister Colleen) and then a picture of Chris enjoying his magazine. Playing with black and white and sepia too…
It’s always encouraging to us when Ryan does pretend play.
Chris HAS been sleeping well at night for months, but was having more assertive (to put it mildly!) behavior during the day. After struggling for several weeks (months?) with his having trouble obeying limits and NOT pulling on our arms where he wants us to go, pulling us along the road, hallways, kitchen, wherever something is that he wants, or trying to leave places he didn’t want to be, we called an emergency appt. with the psychiatrist. He is a very caring doctor and listened to us and actually got to witness the “wanting to leave” behavior in his office, as did his staff in the waiting room (they called in an assistant for us to help as I had Ryan with me too).
All week I’ve been wanting to post in here, and I never have the time. I keep composing posts in my head when I’m away from the computer, but once I sit down I never get to it. Hopefully one day the two will synchronize…
My dream is for this to be a profound journal about our thoughts and experiences with autism and deafness, and also my life journal, and an interesting photo blog, and a sharing and teaching area where we can both learn from others and have them learn from us. I know this is not a goal that one can loftily achieve immediately – especially when one is typing with a 4 1/2 year old child on their back climbing on them in the chair —
yee haw..
Ahh he settled back down.
no – he’s not.
A few minutes later – we’ve looked at some Flickr pics again we took and now I’m going to try and write more.
over 100 things…
In 1993 our world completely changed. Our first child was born in 1990 and everything was really pretty wonderful. There is a link here that partially describes those years, and also partially describes his early schooling. But we were content, with the usual new fairly young working parents’ problems – we wanted to buy a house, we wanted to get our bills paid off, and set up a nice retirement. Our goals for Chris and our future children were to be well adjusted, happy, healthy, and generous working individuals with creativity, goals, and a love of Christ.
This entry and a few following from my hand-written journal from 1994 shows were our lives deviated from this path:
10-20-94. Chris will be 4 in a month. Colleen will be 5 mos. in 9 days. Chris is doing good at school. He says 47 words. But none at school. He carries his bookbag into school which he wouldn’t do last year. He’s doing better with pitching, tantrums. He waves his hands a lot. But I had some nervous habits when I was little. I rubbed my fingers on my mouth. I love how he snuggles with me with a book, or a shiny bowl. He likes the reflections, and the banging (no-no!). He’s really good on the organ. He draws circles and lines and drew a “C.” And he played “Here’s the Church” finger game today.
Colleen rolled over on or right before her 4 mo. birthday. She rolled from back to front. Now she does it all the time but can’t get back over and gets mad! She’s napping now. She fell asleep on her tummy for the first time. She’s breastfeeding well – no food yet. More and more she’s feeding for just 4x a day. She smiles real wide and giggles and shrieks. She blows raspberries. She likes her walker now for a while. Is entranced with the “Happy Days” radio, weeble, star rattle.
We’re still looking for other employment. Praise God for another miracle – since the last time I wrote and said that Roger quit his night job, right after that he looked in the paper and saw the XX was hiring. He got his old job back at XX! And today I got a lead form Laura that Jim was leaving the office and may need a part-time transcriptionist. I spoke with him and he’s going to let me know. I hope so!
I’ve invited several of you to view our new blog, and thank you for visiting. We have a purpose here to share our story, and network with others, give some help, and perhaps receive some helpful information ourselves. I will try and write every week or so, and give the story of Christopher, Ryan, and Colleen, and hope that everyone enjoys reading and sharing. Please comment and I’ll try and comment back. I hope this is an enjoyable place for both family and friends, as well as a helpful site for the community. I hope to build an extensive page of links to help others just beginning on the road to special needs, or in the middle, or anywhere on their journeys.
Special prayers and thoughts to you all — blessings, dori
(2020, still my goal!!! I have had several years of interruptions of meeting this goal, but am still on the way to trying!!! I don’t regret having the other livejournal pages posted in here, as messy as they are, as they show more about our family than planned posts may have — though now I do need to do more posting as I hardly make any new posts. I hope once I have this edited and back “online” and publicized that I can start adding new posts again, and make a useful resource for others on the pages accompanying this blog.)
Comments: Good morning! So far I feel wonderful this morning! I had what I think was a mild migraine last night (no aura or anything) and it responded to Exedrin Migraine. I slept like 10 until 7 a.m. and got a shower. Everyone is still sleeping.
The web site of the conference information is
But I see that hardly any has been transferred yet of the 14 breakout sessions that they had. 3, I think. I plan to read over those three as those were ones I did not attend. We attended the keynote speech by Sean Barron and got the book he and Temple Grandin wrote. We got to speak to him and his girlfriend Barbara and had them sign the book. That was awesome! He ate at Quiznos with her – we saw them in the cafeteria – I wanted to take a picture but restrained myself 😉
My daycare assistance meeting is Tuesday. They tentatively approved me even though at first the lady scared me saying “oh, we don’t cover people who work at HOME.” Then I explained, you don’t understand – I have special needs children who RIP my headphones off my head and don’t permit me to work – I need to have some part-time child care set up in order to work. And I lost two jobs due to having to call in all the time with them being sick – I have to work at home for the flexibility of working around my children’s therapy and any sick time. Then she checked with her supervisor and called back and said her supervisor approved it. I still have to be approved financially though.
Today is our anniversary.
We’re going to an autism seminar ALL day Friday. I’m really looking forward to getting away without the kids for a while. They start camp Monday, also, a NICE 5-WEEK BREAK!