Autumn Picture Gallery 2024
October picnic
Great to see each other again!
Early October flies driving us crazy…
Had a great time and a walk also!
Before tree trimmers came
Cleaning up yard
Last cook out of year!
10/11/2024 – Dressed up for Papa’s homecoming — see Papa’s pics for more pics.
These three stayed a long time!
Deer ate the first blooms
these were here until the snow
This one I think went down with the snow.
amazing autumn line-up!
By Big Creek (bridle trail)
Our tree trimming done in later October
Halloween coming!
Halloween 24!
Ryan going to workshop from our house
Autumn lake visits
Colleen & Christian got us donuts
We were exchanging phones to send in
They showed Chris Pokemon Go!
One of several cats we see around our neighborhood. One day!!!
Last day at Broadmoor with my new long-term sub position elsewhere
They had me keep score, fun!!!
These are public pics from Deepwood’s FB page
Will miss them and get to a game on a Friday soon, I hope!!
My new buddies, public pic on Riverside side. Preschool at Melridge and Buckeye, through end of 24-25 school year!
I dress up a bit more here….
11-22 – Chris b’day party at Mama’s
Mama’s tree
Chris spent the night at our house
Thanksgiving gathering, some very missed at the table, but new ones also there….
Mom got us plants for our yard
They are safe under our porch ready for spring planting!
late autumn zinnia
after thanksgiving snow into early December was crazy!
Some cities around us got 3′ of snow.
We got about 30″
A season of lots of speech therapy appts!!
12-16 All Hearts Christmas party. Chris wasn’t feeling well…
Always great to have the tablet going!
The boys’ house decorated!
Went and looked at lights for at least a month!
finally all decorated week before Christmas!
first time to get them matching PJs!!
Lynn’s tree
Presents! New sheet set, and we all got a lot of things we love!!!
Loved my new sorter, and also my freezing system for food that I still need to try out!!!
Had some chocolate chip cookies in here!!
Ready for workshop van day after Christmas!
Mike’s visit 12-17– glad we could come!
All the way from Virginia!
Happy we were available to meet them at Bob Evans
Still out looking at lights after Christmas.
Great New Year’s dinner. Happy 2025!!!
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