Christmas, reflections

Reflections on Christmas cards and wrapping traditions, and our year.

SONGS that moved me this year:


There you have my probable two favorite songs of the year. One is the reflection upon the heavenly eternal Christmas where we think of eternity with Him and our place in the heavens. I do think about that, though, of course, I want to be sure to serve others here on earth and do my best here as well – our home is here, but There as well —

Worthy is the,

Lamb who was slain

Holy, Holy, is He

Sing a new song, to Him who sits on

Heaven’s Mercy Seat

[Repeat 2x]


Holy, Holy, Holy

Is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is, and is to come

With all creation I sing:

Praise to the King of Kings!

You are my everything,

And I will adore You…!


Clothed in rainbows, of living color

Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder

Blessing and honor, strength and

Glory and power be

To You the Only Wise King,



Holy, Holy, Holy

Is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is, and is to come, yeah

With all creation I sing:

Praise to the King of Kings!

You are my everything,

And – I – will – adore You!


Filled with wonder,

Awestruck wonder

At the mention of Your Name

Jesus, Your Name is Power

Breath, and Living Water

Such a marvelous mystery



Holy, Holy, Holy

Is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is, and is to come, yeah

With all creation I sing:

Praise to the King of Kings!

You are my everything,

And – I – will – adore You!

Holy, Holy, Holy

Is the Lord God Almighty

Who was, and is, and is to come,

With all creation I sing:

Praise to the King of Kings!

You are my everything,

And – I – will – adore YOU…

(Chorus) (Repeat at a cappella)

Come up lift up His Name

To the King of Kings…

We will adore YOU Lord…

King of heaven and earth

King Jesus, King Jesus

Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya!

Majesty, awestruck Honor

And Power and Strength and Dominion

To You Lord,

To the King, to King

To the King of Glory

(Singer: Kari Jobe)

More lyrics:

Then more recently I have heard the Selah Christmas song, above, that I never heard until this month. What a beautiful tribute to the Babe in the hay whose birthday is tomorrow, and who I keep reminding Ryan is the reason for the gifts, and the reason for the story of Santa (St. Nicholas) who also worshipped 🙂

Hail, hail to the newborn King

Let our voices sing Him our praises

Hail, hail to the guiding Light

That brought us tonight to our Savior

Halle, hallelujah

Halle, hallelujah

Halle, hallelujah

Halle, hallelujah

Come now, let it shine so bright

To the knowing Light of the stable

Kneel close to the Child so dear

Cast aside your fear and be thankful

Hail, hail to the newborn King

Let our voices sing Him our praises

Hail, hail to the guiding Light

That brought us tonight to our Savior


Hail, hail to the newborn King

Let our voices sing Him our praises

Hail, hail to the guiding Light

That brought us tonight to our Savior


More lyrics:

There are so many traditions about Christmas that I love, and we try and do every year. Beautiful boxes of Christmas cards in front of me are one thing that just makes me feel inspired about the whole season — I got the most beautiful cards this year – even though I vowed at the beginning of the year I wasn’t going to do any. But here I am, ended up buying them anyway – because after all even if I don’t “send” any I still need them for teachers, friends receiving gift cards, etc., and I ended up starting them to mail anyway – Started to write them out yesterday and will probably not get them out until next week before New Year’s. But it’s a very special tradition to me, and I miss getting as many as I used to, and even sending as many as I used to, and I’m just not ready to give it up. I love receiving them and sending them – the way they feel and the different color pen colors on the ones I display, and the different kinds of envelopes, and even how some have a foil stamp and others may have a unique picture, and still others may be handmade or with a family portrait. Christmas cards – they are an art, and something I am not ready to give up.  Click for the rest of our letter —

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