children, life, NaBloPoMo

Thoughts on sports and activities

In the late 90’s Colleen was 3 & 4, and we were very active at the Y, and she was in gymnastics, ballet, swimming, and art class. I taught at the Y – gym & swim, adventure center and babysitting room. I typed at home, too, AND in the middle for some months or so worked at a law firm. It was an insane two years or so. She had classes 2-3 days a week AND Chris had speech therapy and occupational therapy, and I also took him to the Y for play time that also really counted as therapy time for him, in the Y’s adventure center. (I’ll link to some pics of them when I’m more awake).

In about 2004 or so our schedule was insane before I almost had a heart attack (not literally, but of course who really knows?) [this was in most of the 04 year on and off after I quit “working” and thought I had to have the total soccer mom schedule AND have a better homes and gardens house (uh, yeah?)

Colleen: swimming, art, volleyball, trumpet lessons, counseling
Chris: on and off speech therapy, OT, and possibly another OT place part of that year (unless that was 05??)
Ryan: speech therapy, OT, toddler school therapy, gym and swim

Now – unfortunately we do “nothing.” I’m too tired from my life to do a thing, AND our scholarships expired for the Y. *I’ve not worked there since 01*, and now that we make more $ I cannot afford the down payments involved with the Y that they tack on to the scholarships at a higher income bracket.

BUT there’s a workout center right in our community that is free to us that I’m dying to check out (and probably “dying ” literally if I don’t).

Colleen is planning to play in the band next year – drums. I need to check out lessons. I know this will involve countless football games as a high school freshman! She was in choir last year, and band two years before that (since 5th grade). She played the trumpet.

When I was in high school I was in choir, played in the drama club events sometimes (guitar and sang), was guitar accompanyist for the choir, was in art club, on yearbook and newspaper staff, wrote books and poems, and took guitar lessons. In college I was in swing choir, took piano and voice, and just about quit writing altogether which was a shame. I then was in choir in church for about 10 years until 2001 and also played for the little kids. I started writing again in 1989.

Sports — I loved playing basketball but was never on a team. I also practiced gymnastics in my back yard, but again, never took a lesson or did anything (except participated in a cheerleading group in 6th grade for our school levy).



health, NaBloPoMo, transcription

Yesterday – migraine day from you know where —

All chronicled on the transcription board —

“Great. Up at 5, starting my day, to finish my 15 pp of proofing, a little British QA, and then planned to take a nap.

I now have a migraine aura. I can see the screen right now but in about five minutes I won’t be able to — the flashing lights are going all over it and soon I’ll have the black “spaces….”


I can lay down in 2 hours once my kids are all gone – I pray I don’t throw up. I hate throwing up migraines.

Off to take 2 Excedrin Migraines and quit looking at computer screens …
Well, thank God for that extension I got —

I took two Excedrin migraine and laid down while my daughter got ready for school. I think that kept this from being a killer headache, though I still feel it and have sensitivity to light. But don’t feel nausea at this point and the aura is gone.

Unfortunately because of my laying down my daughter missed her bus, and when I went to drive her my battery is dead. So she’s home. She’s sick, too, though.

at least my boys are in school.

* proof my 15 pp

* Do British QA

* get car jumped

* nap — well kinda, but I couldn’t really stay asleep. It was weird – every time I was about to drop off a vehicle went by and woke me up. Sigh. I also took a shower.

Now – I want to EAT – I really haven’t eaten all day.

I have had 3 places offer me more work and I can’t figure out which to take and balance with what I already have scheduled next week, both work-wise and appt-wise – I almost want to take a little breather….


computer geekiness, NaBloPoMo

CloudEight is awesome!

First, plugging their site —

and their home page that is my start page every day

and where they featured me from my entering (on a whim!) this: 

(2020 – wow, wish I could see that, above.  too many years gone by.  Glad to see CloudEight is still valid site!  I miss using stationery….)

I have always loved using email stationery, and CloudEight has been my main stationery source since probably about year 2000 at least (just guessing in my head!). They also have a forum with postings on computer safety about issues such as spam, viruses, and related issues. Their stationery and other designs are declared virus free and I have always had super luck with them and they are varied and beautiful.

They also feature smileycons which I am a great fan of – I am a gold member.

Check them out – they’re awesome!

And thanks, CloudEight, for featuring my blog!


NaBloPoMo, sleep


Okay, I need to post every day this month.

Today I will post about how tired I am.

I got up at 3 and typed 25 minutes of audio and finished by 7 (yay!) and got 3 kids on the bus. Then I did proofing and THEN typed 15 more minutes of audio.

What is silly though is that as I did this occasionally my eyes would close. Then I would instantly start dreaming.

Through the day (thanks to probably the Coca Cola?) I was fairly awake and proofread my long hearing document halfway though. I proofed to audio 60 pp in 2 hours. Then my children came home and I only was able to do 15 pp in the next 3 HOURS. So I got an extension until tomorrow morning, bless my boss’s heart. (i have about 130 pp to proof)

As soon as my boys quiet down (hard to hear audio when they’re singing/yelling/shouting/rattling things) I will sit down and start proofing again.

And my eyes will probably close and I’ll find myself with my head on my hand, with my hand numb and tingling and asleep, and my face encrusted with the keys of my keyboard and drool coming out of my mouth —

restful sleep vibes, everyone!


NaBloPoMo, work at home

And what does she do for a living?

2020 – this is a confusing post — will have to see if these are excerpts from my old transcription site?  Note to self to check this out. 


I have been a transcriptionist on and off since 1999 (and actually also transcribed at work from 1988 until 2003 also as a legal secretary). I love it. I have always typed, since I was 11, and taught myself of an old blue manual typewriter. I type about 110 words per minute, and make a LOT of mistakes. But the trusty spell check and good proofreading skills help me out —

From my blog that is barely begun at —

How I got into transcription — written in 2001

I thought an intro of how the typing business really took off might be fitting here… From my old web site—

Stay tuned for the REST of the story – how my typing business idea took shape as long ago as 1993, and how things have panned out since 2001….

My intro and how I got started in all this!! It took 7 years, and if I would have all these tips at my fingertips it may not have taken me that long! Now, I’m in legal and corporate transcription, so that’s what I’m familiar with, so these specific sites may help a transcriptionist more than another kind of at-home worker. However, the and the money-making mommies site both list other kinds of jobs. I, however, have no experience in those other jobs or how many might be listed or their legitimacy.

I would very much appreciate any more sites any others may have on other kinds of legitimate work-at-home jobs in order to make this site as helpful as possible!

* Telecommuting Jobs Database Listings for telecommuters/workers at home, including a free job search page and newsletter. I obtained two of my at-home employers at this site.
* MTDAILY.COM Site for transcriptionists, including medical, legal, and general transcriptionists sharing boards and job search boards, among other helpful links. You can specifically look here for companies that actively hire legal transcriptionists and sometimes also general transcriptionists:
current note: This is now a paid site, but there are still a lot of good areas on there, some that are free.
* A little collection of mom’s comments that work at home doing MT (medical transcription):
* All about Medical Transcription, if you are interested in getting into that field!  I personally would like to learn a whole lot more about it once Ryan is in school and I can return to school myself, to broaden my area of business a little.
current note: I probably won’t be doing this now, but it’s amazing how many areas of transcription there are!
* MONEY-MAKING MOMMY job site, including transcriptionist jobs.
* FDCH, nka EMEDIAMILLWORKS, a company for which I have type conference transcription. This consists of typing, over the internet, with a Start-Stop pedal, conference calls of various businesses that they do quarterly. They have very busy
periods quarterly in the year during which you can do a lot of work.
* An example of the type of legal transcription I do, although I am not a court reporter, so this site consists of some court reporting information that I’m not real
familiar with! But those type of typing samples is what I do in my legal transcription job:
Recent Entries
o How I got into transcription — written in 2001
o Simple web page making
o Goal for this site –

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health, NaBloPoMo

NaBloPoMo who?


Ha ha. I’ve seen this but never checked what it is. Now I know. Get some new readers and make some new friends by joining this group that is for posting every day in November. Cool idea!

I just noticed too that I posted already 3x in November and didn’t even realize it, after being absent for a while, so — that’s a good thing!

Now, to get here every day, while I have kids sick at home tomorrow being day 11 straight and finish how many more minutes of my hearing? Probably about 45, which I really need to do tonight and may be just too tired to do…

So off of here I go — I guess I COPY this over there?



life, NaBloPoMo

Songs for the spirit in the trying times.

We are going through trying times right now for some reason and these songs are a comfort:

As We Seek Your Face
As We Seek Your Face (Jesus Draw Me Close)

G D/F# Em7/D
Jesus draw me close
C G/B Dsus D
Closer Lord to You
G D/F# Em7 C Dsus D
Let the world around me fade away

G D/F# Em7/D
Jesus draw me close
C G/B Dsus D
Closer Lord to You
C D Em7 D Gsus G
For I desire to worship and obey

G D/F# Em7 G D/F# Em7
As we seek your face, may we know your heart
G D Em7 C
Feel your presence, acceptance
As we seek your face

G D/F# Em7 G D/F# Em7
At your feet we fall, sovereign Lord
G D Em7 C
We cry holy, ho- ly,
At Your feet we fall

G D/F# Em7/D
Jesus draw me close
C G/B Dsus D
Closer Lord to You
G D/F# Em7 C Dsus D
Let the world around me fade away

G D/F# Em7/D
Jesus draw me close
C G/B Dsus D
Closer Lord to You
C D Em7 D Gsus G
For I desire to worship and obey

Public Domain
Words and Music by Unverified

(verse 1)
Great is Thy faithfulness
O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever will be

Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed They hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me

Pardon for sin
And a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence
To cheer and to guide
Strength for today
And bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine
With ten thousand beside

I woke up singing one in my head one day and the other the next. I know the Lord put them in my heart to give me strength through the days.

NaBloPoMo, work, work at home

Funny things said at work

This was in response to a “what was the funniest thing you typed” post at the transcription board —

“These are all so funny! I keep trying to think of one I’ve done and I’m sure in almost 20 years of typing professionally I’ve done many! But I can’t think of anything.

I can sure think of funny things though said at work – I remember once at the law firm I worked at which happened to have the name McNamara in it, my friend and coworker said Macaroni instead of McNamara along with the rest of the firm’s title while answering the phone, and we all just busted up and couldn’t stop laughing.

There was another time I was collecting PI information from hospitals and doctors in order to assemble it to print out final settlement checks. I was printing out checks while I was on hold on the phone. I actually went to SLEEP (Chris didn’t sleep then either – he was 4) and was startled awake by the party coming on the line to see what I needed – luckily I had it written down in front of me!

Another time I fell asleep typing a tech document in the metallurgy department of a local metals engineering firm I worked at in the 80’s. I literally shifted sideways and almost fell off my chair.

As far as funny/humorous things I typed, I still can’t remember anything. But one interesting one is when I very first started typing care and protection hearings for Mass. in 2000, I typed Wooster for the city there pronounced that way. As several of you may know Ohio has a town called Wooster so I simply spelled it same way!!!

Little did I know it was spelled Worcester! I think my boss laughed about that for a while…”


children, life, NaBloPoMo

Halloween 07

A darn good costume!

Originally uploaded by



We are okay – sorry it’s been so long since I posted! We all had the horrible fall cold, and I’ve been typing endlessly. We had a fun Halloween – see pics! Now the race begins – how fast will Christmas come THIS YEAR!!?? Probably the fastest ever since I’m not at all prepared.

time to also prepare for Thanksgiving and take some serious time to pray and give thanks….