My blog revision site for some reason is not working, so I’m just reposting this. We went to zoo yesterday – pictures are here — this is Colleen (bottom) and her friends that were in our group. We had a blast – a COLD BLAST! If you click back a few pages in the pictures – you’ll see us in shirt sleeves in the back yard – yes, it was almost 80 degrees Tuesday night. Chris went running to the school yard that night and laid DOWN in the grass and looked at the stars. Had a BALL – took an hour to get him home – bribed with bubble bath
So, you can see, two days later – SNOW. We are expecting snow this weekend – SO a green Christmas, and a white Easter.
Funny thing, Ohio.
And check out our new car in the pix too——–you’ll have to page back a bit. Rog and I received his aunt’s car — and we’re giving my mom our car, so a nice car swap that makes everyone happy
more soon – busy typing for deadline, work coming out of EARS