God, music, relocation

Good things come to them that wait


The loan has been approved! We are just waiting for all the papers to be verified and then we shall get KEYS! in a few weeks to maybe a month.

We had a bit of a test early this week as we were told by our attorneys that the loan arrangement did not look very solid. So we had to go to a different lender and reapply all over again!! So a few extra stressful days there…

Waiting, and trusting,



More Power To Ya

More Power to Ya: The Petra Devotional

Also featured on:
Muscle Shoals, Vol. 4: More Power to Ya

You say you’ve been feeling weaker, weaker by the day,
You say you can’t make the joy of your Salvation stay,
But Good things come to them that wait, not to those who Hesitate,
So, hurry up & wait upon the Lord

More power to ya, when you’re standing on His word.
When you’re trusting with your Whole heart in the Message you have heard,
More power to ya, when we’re all in one accord,
they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew,
They shall renew their strength

Jesus promised His Disciples He’d give strength to them,
Jesus told them all to tarry in Jerusalem,
When they were all in one accord the power of His Spirit Poured & they Began to turn the World around


So Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might,
Put on all His armour and fight the good fight, in all of our weakness
He becomes so strong, and He gives us the power & the Strength to carry on


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