college, health

Thank you!

Several of you wrote posts tome lately – I really appreciate it! I may not answer for a few days. Chris has a topical skin infection so he’s home from school. Please pray for him – he’s had this several times (5-6 times since 2003) and 2 times he’s been hospitalized with it. It doesn’t look like it this time but we’re still nervous….

And Colleen has been sick with the same cold that caused Chris this cold and infection – she still doesn’t feel great, but doing okay. She also fell down off our office chair and fractured a small part in her wrist – she goes to the bone dr. tomorrow.

My mom is coming over any minute – she’s spending the night and helping me. I am so thankful for her, and my inlaws (my MIL helped me yesterday) and my husband!

but of course it’s times like these I wonder – how the HECK do I go to school?

I’ll update more soon…. dori


5 thoughts on “Thank you!”

    1. Thanks —

      Colleen is doing good, wearing her wrist brace. She fell on her bike and skinned her elbow – I was so glad she was wearing the brace. Chris is doing lots better, back to school.. Ryan doing good and in school. And i’m lazy….

  1. Aw im sorry the kiddos are sick!! I hope they get better.. fracture wrist! ouch!! + ur so lucky ur getting help! Thats so nice of them.. + dont worry you’ll find time for everything if you decide to go to school! I dont doubt it for a second! <3<3

    1. copied post to your sister 😉

      Colleen is doing good, wearing her wrist brace. She fell on her bike and skinned her elbow – I was so glad she was wearing the brace. Chris is doing lots better, back to school.. Ryan doing good and in school. And i’m lazy….

      Thanks for your words about school – I appreciate it! I do know I’m lucky to get help, many people don’t. Sometimes I feel like people help me too much and don’t think I can do anything on my own!!! Then I do the same thing to my daughter…….

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