life, work

money crapola

from my group….. I’m all stressed out about all this……

User: dori

Comments: kind of long financial vent, feel free to scroll, but prayers appreciated anyway!

Hi – not reading tonight yet, just posting. I just went through to do papers, did my filing, and went through bills (ugh!). I still would appreciate prayers for our financial situation — I thought we were actually doing okay at the moment but when I checked my checkbook online saw that we were under. I had to rush my unemployment check to the bank (thank God I got it early! today to keep lots of fees from happening. I just keep wondering if as soon as this unemployment is over (I have 3 more checks coming) I should really try and get a night job at McDonalds or KMart or something — the secretarial jobs just aren’t coming through, not even non-legal ones. Obviously my attendance problems are huge and the last place is probably saying terrible things about my skills, even though my typing skills are very good.

Continue reading “money crapola”


quizzes, and thoughts

I keep looking for quizzes for us moms – not a lot out there!!!! But this one is kind of cute!

You are June Cleaver!
June Cleaver: You are June Cleaver from Leave it
to Beaver. You might not wear pearls while you
do your housework, but you probably like the
idea of being a traditional type of mom who
bakes special treats for your kids when they
come home from school and who sits down to
dinner with them at night. You think of
thoughtful ways to show your kids you care
like making elaborate Halloween costumes or
whipping up chicken noodle soup for sore
throats and you work hard to stay involved in
their lives.

Of course, you teach your children right from wrong
and always hold them to strict standards,
though you may prefer that someone else in the
household do the actual disciplining. That’s
just because you are so devoted to your little
ones, you can’t stand the thought of missing
out on any time with them behind angry doors or
pouting faces.

Which TV Mom are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

lately I just keep thinking I want to do something else besides what I’m doing – not INSTEAD of what i’m doing but in ADDITION. I just don’t have time. But there’s so many things I want to pursue – writing, drawing, guitar playing, writing songs, oh, it goes on and on. I just trust eventually I will get the chance. I LOVE being home with my kids. I am so glad I’m not working. But someday in the future, I want to pick 1-2-3 of these hobbies and just go with them for a while…..

photos, reflections, travel

Thoughts on Summer 04

TEN Things You Did
01. Obtained necessary psych. hospitalization for our son through God’s help.
02. Finally slept second half of the summer after being up all night most night’s first half of the summer while Chris’s meds were so off.
03. Went to Port Clinton/Put-in-Bay on vacation for first time ever!
04. Camped in a cabin for first time ever.
05. Stayed up all night in cabin first night with son who wouldn’t sleep (strange place!).
06. Attended 2 “95.5 the fish” functions (radio) that were so cool with great bands and fun people!
07. Went 8+ weeks (still going) with NO money except bare minimum due to job stoppages for hubby (Luckily had saved $300 before that for Put-in-Bay).
08. Lost 15 pounds (hubby did too!) on South Beach Diet!
09. Collected unemployment all summer but never found a job even though I diligently looked for good job with benefits.  (Actually been looking since Jan.)
10. Grew tomatoes and peppers for first time in 3-4 years!

NINE Favorite Bands/Singers Of The Summer
01. Third Day
02. Chris Tomlin (U2’s Where the Streets have no Name!)
03. Sarah Groves (cool concert!)
04. Rebecca St. James
05. The Newsboys
06. Selah (You Raise me Up)
07. Amy Grant (has been favorite since 1979!)
08. just to be eclectic, we love hearing that one song by The Darkness when it comes on 😉 (I believe in a thing called love, just had to DOWNLOAD IT NOW!) though it’s just a sample ;
09. AND we loved 98 FM’s WNCX’s pretend Woodstock the other week when they played endless old progressive and other rock tunes INCLUDING IN THE CAGE BY GENESIS!  Yeah!

EIGHT Places You Ate At
01. Outback Steak House
02. New York Deli
03. East of Chicago Pizza
04. Walmart
05. KMart
06. Dairy Queen
07. McDonald’s
08. Burger King

SEVEN Inside Jokes
01. None that I know of?

SIX Things You Bought
01. Rented vacation cabin at Port Clinton!
02. Food
03. New earrings (Avon demos)
04. Dirt for our yard (boy it’s looking spiffy!)
05. Microsoft Money 2004

FIVE Things You Accomplished
01. Well, technically after school started, BUT finally got my dailies going again where I straighten whole house every day.
02. The Lord accomplished getting Chris’s meds regulated so he’ll SLEEP…
03. Lost 15 pounds.
04. Cleaned out entire 3 drawer legal size filing cabinet.

FOUR Movies You Saw
01. Just Married
02. Freaky Friday
03. Cheaper by the Dozen
04. The Lion King (again for Ryan, first saw in 94 with Baby Colleen)

THREE Things You Wish You Did
01. Got on an exercise program (but I AM walking 2 miles a day taking Colleen to/from school)
02. Been able to buy or win tickets to Third Day concert.
03. Read Bible every day (I need to START a devotional quiet time!)

TWO Rules You Broke
01. Cheated on my diet whole vacation time and like a week before and 3 weeks after!

ONE Thing You LOVED About This Summer
01. sleeping WELL the second half of the summer and seeing Chris so much more healthy in the meantime.

That was a fun survey.  This summer was not bad.  The beginning and middle were horrible but the greatness of the end really made up for it!!  It was wonderful to go on a vacation with our friends to an area we’d never been to before.  We are lucky here in NE Ohio to have the lakes and rivers all around us – I know we take it for granted.  Here Mosquito Lake, Mecca, Ohio

is a picture of another State Park area where we went picnicking Labor day.  Far away you can see Chris splashing and Colleen playing.  Many times I do want to live in North Carolina near the mountains, but we are blessed here with a nice place to live as well.  We are blessed.

asperger's, autism, Ryan, sleep, speech delay, weight, work

Sunny Sunday

You’re Manny! (Manuela) You are clingy, yet cute.
Childish, yet can have some amazing pearls of
wisdom. You are the Sam to Emma’s Frodo. Cheer
up about Craig, dear. There are plenty more
boys who dig it when you call your stuffed
animals weird names!

Which Degrassi Girl are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love Degrassi – can’t wait for new season!  (watch on the “N” on our new digital cable which I don’t want to get rid of with our “broke-ness” now….)

Doing great, though I feel bad I missed church.  Chris fell asleep just moments before we left!  He is doing very well – naps every day still (a little earlier than expected today – usually he’s nodding off a bit at church which is a GOOD thing).  So next week I’ll give him the pill a little later.

Continue reading “Sunny Sunday”