health, sleep, work

Work decisions

owen is having a bit of a tough time again after doing very well for a week or so. He went to day care with his sister first time last week on Thurs and Fri. This is the first EVER he’s been in day care. he did well! This week he goes back to school (tomorrow) but last night he started staying up late again — 4:30 a.m. this morning (dh stayed up with him – I actually got to sleep 9 hours last night PRAISE God! it is 12:00 now and he’s still up. dh has to get up at 4:30 a.m. and I will be up at 6:30 with my little baby, I’m sure.

I had been thinking all weekend trying to make a decision about my work. I work 22 hours a week now but have the opportunity to work up to 30 if I wish. That would mean having the older kids go to the day care every day after school. After thinking about it all weekend we decided to wait until summer and see how they do, and maybe work a little later then if they seem to be able to handle it.

We just have been so broke for so long that it feels good to be able to pay the bills and having more sounds so good. We also need a new house — 3 kids in this tiny house is tough.

dori, in the close family

children, health, sleep

Just been reading

for too long!! I have so much cleaning to do.

THANK GOODNESS my children are feeling better. It is such a relief — I have been sleeping and so has the family! 8 hours a few days in a row — yippee!

Easter eggs are starting to boil in the kitchen, and I’ve grocery shopped today too. The whole family went, and met my mom too, and she helped watch the kids while me and hubby shopped with 1-2 kids at a time 🙂 it was pretty fun!

My living room looks like an obstacle course that is also designed to trip you and break your leg…. that is my next project.

Ahh 3 kids. So much work, so much joy, so much exhaustion!

I wish I had time to write and write and write. But thankfully I type really fast and will try and write more often….

“Owen” is slamming himself in the head with his hand — why??? JUST when I said he was feeling MUCH better!

Been searching around for different additional friends’ diaries to read — it’s fun to see many different people and their interests.

Hi COLLEEN – think you’re the only reader I have right now — hope you are feeling good today — note from 2006 – this is a different Colleen than my daughter.

Love, dori

autism, children, health, sleep

I do exist still —

I think. We are so tired — all of us — our oldest has been ill and we are not sure what is wrong. He has autism as I mentioned before and he has been crying most of the time the last week. Drs. don’t know what to do. It’s sad and difficult. We love him so much but don’t know what to do. We are loving on Vanilla Coca Cola (me) and coffee (hubby) and just trying to get through it — it happens like this every few months and then it gets better.

Owen also is going to be evaluated to see if he has bi-polar disorder. We visited a psychologist today and she believes he may have that from our initial descriptions of him to her. So perhaps another piece of the puzzle of our beautiful but very mysterious son…

In my absence our baby son “RJ” also had ear tubes put in. He had 5 bad ear infections in 5 months. He is doing very well now!

Sometime soon I will finish the history I had started before, about meeting my wonderful hubby, etc.!


edit – reading this over again for a 2nd time – read the entire blog during COVID in Dec. 2020 and now am starting to read again, July of 2024.  RJ now known as Ryan is back to having ear infections again and we are going to try and get him to an ENT to find out why.  2003 to 2024, 21 years later, crazy.